We are regularly and deeply involved in evaluation and needs analysis. We believe that a strong evaluation is achieved through combining internal and external evaluation work. When designing program evaluations with key stakeholders, all opportunities to gain ‘double value’ from either internal or external evaluation activities are sought. Many required or good practice program management tasks gather information that can feed an evaluation. We assist staff in developing internal evaluation tools that support program management tasks while also providing them with evaluation information on an ongoing basis. We have expertise and long-standing experience undertaking evaluations in Aboriginal contexts, and are committed to addressing power and ensuring inclusion of Aboriginal people in evaluations, as described in a plenary presentation to the 2018 Australasian Evaluation Society Conference. Some other examples include:
Evaluation of the Engagement and Wellbeing Policy into Practice Grants (2017 – 2018)
Client: Department for Education
Develop, undertake and report on the evaluation of grants provided to 20 Partnerships to determine the effectiveness, value and potential impact of providing new or extended programs, services and initiatives for improving engagement, behaviour and/or wellbeing of pre-school and primary school learners at risk of disengagement.
Evaluation of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Strategy (2016 – 2018)
Client: Department for Education
Develop, undertake and report on the evaluation of the strategy, with particular attention to whether the strategy is effective as a framework. This work occurred in partnership with Sharon Gollan of SG Associates.
Evaluation of the Telecross and Telechat (SA) Programs (2016)
Client: Australian Red Cross
Develop, undertake and report on the evaluation of the Telecross and Telechat (SA) service models, with particular attention to whether it is effective at supporting client wellbeing, experienced as relevant by clients and is appropriate to the needs of all stakeholders under the new Consumer Directed Care model.
Interim evaluation of the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan: CATSINaM (2014 – 2015)
Client: Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSINaM)
Design, implement and report on an external evaluation at the interim point of CATSINaM’s five year Strategic Plan, which included developing internal evaluation monitoring tools for ongoing use and training staff in how to use them. The Final Report was presented to the CATSINaM Board.
“In collaboration with Aboriginal consultant colleagues, she has a record of successful planning, implementation, support and evaluation achievements with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health sector organisations, including CATSINaM.” Janine Mohamed, CEO, Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives
Evaluation of the Under Five’s Ear Health Program (2014 – 2015)
Client: SA Health
Design, undertake and report on an external evaluation of this screening and early intervention program, including the relationship between middle ear disease, ear health risk factors and social determinants of health for Aboriginal children living in urban settings. This work occurred in partnership with Eunice Aston of Ngulkye Consulting and Colin Forster of Mojo Business.
Needs analysis of Simulated Learning Environments in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Training (2012 – 2013)
Client: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Registered Training Organisation National Network (ATSIHRTONN).
Design, implement and report on this needs analysis regarding the requirements for Simulated Learning Environments in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care training in collaboration with ATSIHRTONN, and in partnership with Jason Bromley of Incompro, Heather Gordon of Rhagodia Australia and Eunice Aston of Ngulkye Consulting.
Evaluation of the Ear and Hearing Accredited Training for the Aboriginal Health Worker Workforce Project (2011 – 2013)
Client: National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
Our initial evaluation task was to design, implement and report on an external evaluation of the pilot of a nationally accredited ear and hearing health skill set for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers in 2011. When the skill set was rolled out nationally, we adapted and extended the methodology to evaluate the national roll-out over 2011-2013 in partnership with Eunice Aston of Ngulkye Consulting. Additional tasks included facilitation of: the Course Advisory Group; national symposiums, summits and meetings; and the Project Advisory Group.
New Arrivals Program (NAP) Targeted Interventions Program Evaluation and Mentoring (2008 – 2010)
Client: Department of Education and Children’s Services.
Work with the ESL Programs Unit staff to develop program logics and evaluation plans, co-facilitate evaluation workshops with NAP Centre staff, develop shared evaluation tools, mentor staff in their evaluation work, and undertake an overall evaluation of the NAP Targeted Interventions Program with support from Nicole Keller and Colin Forster of Mojo Business. The program supported primary-aged children from refugee and trauma backgrounds in NAP Centres.